1. I believe that making Christian disciples is one of the greatest challenges of our time.

  • The discipleship ministry has been deeply affected by the new rules and regulations that now govern the opening of churches. We do not know when these restrictions will be lifted; therefore, it’s important that we find or refresh ways to carry out our essential ministries in this new environment. Discipleship is the vital ministry of the church. How do we make disciples in this post-COVID-19 age? How can we disciple our beloved congregants when we cannot meet regularly with them in person?
  • We are living in a time — post-Christian age — that discourages religion and scorns religious faith.
  • According to Barna research, young non-Christians are avoiding Christianity, and young Christians are abandoning the church.
  • Our world culture is growing indifferent “and sometimes hostile” to Christianity.

2. Nonetheless, one of the greatest needs of our time is to make Christian disciples.

  • It is in times like the one we are in — anxious times, uncertain times, fearful times — that people need the blessed assurance that life in Jesus Christ offers. People need the good news of the Kingdom of God.
  • People — especially young people — still have the age-old need for meaning and purpose, love and belonging. A relationship with God through Jesus Christ — not getting a million viewers or followers on social media — can give meaning and purpose to one’s life.

3. Christian discipleship is Jesus Christ’s call to every believer. Before we are called to ministry, each of us is called first to discipleship; that is, each of us is called to follow and imitate Jesus. I say it this way: Jesus calls us to “come and be” with Him before He sends us out to “go and do” in His name.

4. Christian discipleship is how we keep the church together, on one accord, focused on the big picture, which is the Great Commission and God’s New Society.

5. Christian discipleship is the mission of the church. Go make disciples! Go reach people and train them for the Kingdom of God!

6. Christian discipleship is the way to build the Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus taught us to pray “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” The manifestation of this prayer is through discipleship training.

7. Christian discipleship is the only way to transform our homes, communities, nations. The writer of the epistle to the Ephesians dedicates his letter to showing the believers at Ephesus how to transform their marriages, families, communities by following the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The big picture, then, is that discipleship is the only work of the church. It is necessary for the spiritual transformation of our individual lives, our churches, our homes, our communities, our nations, and our world.

In Simple Church, Thom S. Rainer and Eric Geiger argue for the church to return to God’s process of making disciples. The power of the church is not the individual preacher and his or her expounding the gospel message. The Body of Christ—the believers—must fulfil the Great Commission by taking the gospel to new people, in new ways while relying on the power of God to use His word to reach people.

The last words of Jesus were a formal commissioning for all believers. The contemporary environment makes this return to the Great Commission a matter of urgency. But it cannot be business as usual; the return must exceed evangelism to commandeer every aspect of church life.